The comparison operators like >= or <= can be used like below.Python Dictionaries Access Items Change Items Add Items Remove Items Loop Dictionaries Copy Dictionaries Nested Dictionaries Dictionary Methods Dictionary Exercise Python If.Else Python While Loops Python For Loops Python Functions Python Lambda Python Arrays Python Classes/Objects Python Inheritance Python Iterators Python Scope Python Modules Python Dates Python Math Python JSON Python RegEx Python PIP Python Try. In order to install specific Python package version a range can be specified. pip install -force-install MySQL_python=1.2.1 Install Specific Version Range Alternately, you can install a specific version of ansible-core in this Python environment: python3 -m pip install -user ansible-core 2. If there are some problems like errors, collusion, or already installed we can force the installation of the specific package with the –force-install option like below. Use pip in your selected Python environment to install the Ansible package of your choice for the current user: python3 -m pip install -user ansible. pip install -Iv MySQL_python=1.2.1 Force Installation of Specific Package Version We can remove other versions with the -Iv option. There are different reasons but the most common reason is the versions can collide. If you installed a specific version but when try to use the installed package you may get an error. pip install MySQL_python=1.2.1 Remove Other Versions and Then Install Specific Package Version For example, in order to install the MySQL_python package version, the 1.2.1 following command can be used. But if we have to install the previous version which is a specific package version the = sign can be used to specify the version we want to install. If the setup.py file is not present, pip will try to install the package as a. When you use this command, pip will look for a setup.py file in the specified directory and use it to install the package. Install Specific Package Versionīy default, the pip command uses the install option and the package name in order to install the latest version. Alternatively, you can specify the path to the package using an absolute path. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install a specific Python package or module with the pip command. But in order to run a python script or code a specific and old package may be required for compatibility.

But Python is a very dynamic language where its environment is dynamic too and the package versions change regularly. py -m pip -version If you installed Python from source, with an installer from, or via Homebrewyou should already have pip.

By default, the pip command installs the latest version of the specified package. The pip is generally used to install and update packages but there are different use cases. The pip is a command and tool used to install, update and remove 3rd part packages for Python.